1. LEAVE BALANCES (Top Right Box)
Sick Leave (Article G.21)
The October 31 pay statement will show your sick leave advance for the 2024/2025 school year. Each year, 15 days of sick leave will be advanced to a full time teacher (1.5 days per month). Part-time teachers will be advanced a pro-rated amount. Any sick leave, advanced, but not earned during the school year will be repaid by the teacher through sick leave deduction or payroll deduction.
If you are owed remedy the amount will be located here. Remedy from 2019/2020 does not carry forward to individuals from year to year. Remedy is reset to “0” in September.
*Note: The most accurate remedy amount is found within Atrieve.
Summer Savings (Article B.8 Optional Twelve Month Pay Plan)
The amount saved for the summer pay periods (see deductions).
The October 31 pay statement will show your sick leave advance for the 2024/2025 school year. Each year, 15 days of sick leave will be advanced to a full time teacher (1.5 days per month). Part-time teachers will be advanced a pro-rated amount. Any sick leave, advanced, but not earned during the school year will be repaid by the teacher through sick leave deduction or payroll deduction.
If you are owed remedy the amount will be located here. Remedy from 2019/2020 does not carry forward to individuals from year to year. Remedy is reset to “0” in September.
*Note: The most accurate remedy amount is found within Atrieve.
Summer Savings (Article B.8 Optional Twelve Month Pay Plan)
The amount saved for the summer pay periods (see deductions).
2. PAY GRID (Under Leave Balances)
This identifies your Category and Step on the pay grid. This a code of 6 letters/numbers/ symbols. Some examples are:
Article B.22 Educational Qualifications (Category)
If you have received Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) approval to a higher Category and submitted your paperwork (SA11, TQS card and your latest university transcript) to Human Resources, you will see a pay increase effective September 1. You have until November 30 to submit your paperwork to Human Resources to affect a
pay increase retroactive to September 1. Don’t wait!
If you finish upgrading your qualifications after November 30, you have until:
• March 31 to submit your paperwork for a pay increase retroactive to January 1.
• June 30 to submit your paperwork for a pay increase retroactive to May 1.
You can find copies of the SA11 here.
Article B. 23.4 Teaching Experience (step on the salary grid)
September 1 is the anniversary date when all teaching experience for the previous year is credited to members. Even if you have not reached a whole number pay increments (Steps) you will see a pay increase on your first pay statement. The District awards pay increments for each month of experience rounded to the nearest tenth.
**Reminder: If you are new to the District and had previous teaching experience, you must have your previous employer send a verified Teaching Experience Form to Human Resources in order to receive credit for past teaching experience. Inform Human Resources if you expect delays in collecting and submitting your required documentation. Any questions please contact the RTA office if there are questions.
You can find copies of teaching experience, sick leave, and seniority forms in order to recognize teaching experience and to port seniority and sick days here.
- T05054 = Category 5, Step 5.4 on the grid. (Richmond allows for decimals as per Article B.23.4.6)
- T5+100 = Category 5+, Step 10 on the grid.
- T5+108 = Category 5+, Step 10.8 on the grid (Step 10 is the highest step on the grid for Category 4 to 6)
- T6+000 = Category 6+, Step 0 on the grid. (6+ is unique to Richmond Article B.22.3)
- T06082 = Category 6, Step 8.2 on the grid
- C06082 = Category 6, Step 8.2. The C makes reference to the continuing education program (adult education, for example)
Article B.22 Educational Qualifications (Category)
If you have received Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) approval to a higher Category and submitted your paperwork (SA11, TQS card and your latest university transcript) to Human Resources, you will see a pay increase effective September 1. You have until November 30 to submit your paperwork to Human Resources to affect a
pay increase retroactive to September 1. Don’t wait!
If you finish upgrading your qualifications after November 30, you have until:
• March 31 to submit your paperwork for a pay increase retroactive to January 1.
• June 30 to submit your paperwork for a pay increase retroactive to May 1.
You can find copies of the SA11 here.
Article B. 23.4 Teaching Experience (step on the salary grid)
September 1 is the anniversary date when all teaching experience for the previous year is credited to members. Even if you have not reached a whole number pay increments (Steps) you will see a pay increase on your first pay statement. The District awards pay increments for each month of experience rounded to the nearest tenth.
**Reminder: If you are new to the District and had previous teaching experience, you must have your previous employer send a verified Teaching Experience Form to Human Resources in order to receive credit for past teaching experience. Inform Human Resources if you expect delays in collecting and submitting your required documentation. Any questions please contact the RTA office if there are questions.
You can find copies of teaching experience, sick leave, and seniority forms in order to recognize teaching experience and to port seniority and sick days here.
3. EARNINGS (Top Left Box)
Earnings include:
Your annual salary is prorated to your current FTE.
A 0.5714 FTE teacher at Category 5+, Step 10 will earn:
0.5714 x $107,396 = $61,366 per year or $6,137 per month.
- Salary Earnings – take the current salary and multiply by 10 in order to determine your annual salary. Your FTE is reflected by hours/day. A 1.0 FTE is recorded as 20 days per month. A 0.2 FTE will be recorded as 4 days per month
Your annual salary is prorated to your current FTE.
A 0.5714 FTE teacher at Category 5+, Step 10 will earn:
0.5714 x $107,396 = $61,366 per year or $6,137 per month.
- Salary Indemnity Plan – As per Article B.6 Salary Indemnity Plan Allowance, we receive an allowance of 2% of salary earned in the month to offset the costs of the BCTF Salary Indemnity Fee.
- Others Allowances – see Article B.25 Positions of Special Responsibility for allowances.
- Remedy - No teacher is paid for remedy. This is an accounting practice used by payroll. Remedy is charged to a unique account.
- Sick – Any sick days taken will be reflected. Sick days appear separately but count for your total salary earnings (sick + salary earnings). This is another example of an accounting practice.
- Sub Fringe Benefit – TTOCs receive $11 per day in lieu of benefits. The total should reflect the number of days that one was a TTOC.
- Ret (retro) Adj – reflect any pay adjustments required due to FTE corrections, experience or TQS changes or leaves to name a few. E-mail Lucy Mo or Oi Lin Chow with specific questions about how this is calculated.
4. DEDUCTIONS (Middle Right Box)
- Income Tax – Deductions for federal and provincial income tax.
- CPP & EI Deductions - Most teachers stop paying CPP & EI deductions in the fall because they have reached the maximum yearly contribution rate for the calendar year.
CPP – Employees contribute 5.95% of salary to a maximum of $3,867.50. The year’s
YMPE (Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earning) is $68,500.
EI – Employees contribute 1.64% of salary to a maximum of $1,077.48. The
maximum annual insurable earning for 2024 is $65,700.
- Teacher Pension is both a deduction and a benefit. Employees are currently deducted 11.17%.
- Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP) – Starting Sept. 1, 2024 we pay 2.09% of annual salary for short and long-term disability. If you have reached factor 88 or age 64 you can opt-out of long-term disability. This is approximately a 1.55% increase in pay. Link to opt-out: BCTF SIP - Long Term Withdrawal Form
- EFAP – Employee Family Assistance Plan – we pay 20% of the cost of the EFAP premium.
- BCTF Fees - The BCTF fee is 1.69% of actual salary while TTOCs pay a fee of 1.59% of actual salary to the BCTF.
- RTA Fees – Starting July 1, 2024 the RTA fee is 0.64% of salary per month for all RTA members.
- Advance (Taxable Benefit) – mid-month we receive a salary advance. (Article B.9.4)
- 12-Month Pay Option – if you opted into the 12-month pay option, a portion of your net salary is deducted and paid out in equal installments on July 15 and August 15. Note: As per Article B.8, interest to March 31 is added to the employee’s accumulation. The employer retains interest earned between April 1 and August 15. The 12 month pay option does not mean you are paid through the summer. Paid in equal installments on July 15 & August 15.
*Employer acting as your bank.
- EI & CPP Deductions - The employer pays EI & CPP contributions until the maximum annual insurable/pensionable earnings are reached.
- EI 5 12 Rebate - As per Article B.4, the employer pays an EI rebate to the BCTF Salary Indemnity Plan (SIP). The EI rebate is the result of a premium reduction for being part of a short term disability plan. The Board pays SIP 5/12 of this reduction.
- Teacher Pension – The employer’s current contribution is 11.30%.
- Extended Heath – As per Article B.11.6 the employer pays 100% of our Extended Health Premium.
- Dental - As per Article B.11.6, the employer pays 100% of our Dental premium.
- EFAP – As per Article B.30, the employer pays 80% of our EFAP Premium.
- Life Insurance – As per Article B.11.6 the employer pays 100% of our Life Insurance
- Employer Health Tax – The employer pays 100% to support Medical Services.

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